Jogobella's fruits

Did you know that…?
A grapefruit is 75% juice. One medium fruit will give you 2/3 of a cup of freshly squeezed juice. That's enough to satisfy an RDA for vitamin C.

This citrus fruit has ancestors, and this is not meant metaphorically. Among them are the Indonesian pomelo and the sweet Jamaican orange. There were no grapefruits before these two met. It happened relatively recently, in the 18th Century. Where? On the tropical island of Barbados. How did it happen? We don't know exactly, but some people say that initially the grapefruit went by the name of "the forbidden fruit"...

The world did not wait long to fall in love with the grapefruit. The people of Barbados soon announced that the grapefruit tree was one of the "Seven Wonders of Barbados", next to the mill, the cannon and the baobab tree. So it's not a surprise that the fruit gets special treatment. It is, for example, harvested by hand!

The grapefruit is one of the favourite citrus fruits of the Poles. And the most-healthy of them at that. It has a few variants, the most popular of which are the red, yellow and green variants. Their taste is, respectively, bitter-sour, sour and sweet. With their healthy properties, citrus fruits are vitamin bombs. The red variant is the richest in vitamins, but it is also the most sour due to the high content of vitamin C.